Friday, January 9, 2009

What would you do.....

My friend and I were talking on the phone the other day and she brought up an interesting delima. It is one that I'm sure all mothers of little kids experience. I am writing this blog to get your input on it. Let's have a little discussion. OK, here it is. An acquaintance of my friend called her up and asked her if she likes "drop in" company or if she prefer advanced notice. Now being the sweet person that my friend is she wanted to be available for ministering to anyone just on a whim. But... the reality is that she is a mom of little children and you know that it is impossible to keep your house "company clean" all the time. She was in a pickle. She wants to be available for people whenever, but struggles with the embarrassment of surprise visitors seeing her dust bunnies. We are called to love people, but we are also called to be keepers of the home. Don't you think a lot of of see our untidy houses as a reflections of ourselves personally? What would you say? Is it ok to say you would prefer a call first? Anybody have any good ideas on how to manage housekeeping and little kids? What do you think about this tension in general? Is it pride, is it legitimate? Got any solutions? Love to here from you.


  1. don't call me, sarah! just stop in! anytime. mess or not.
    My mom put us thru the ringer when we people were coming annoyed me to no end. If it is good enough for my family, then it is good enough for you, too!
    Also, don't apologize to your drop in guests for your mess either. It puts your guest in a tough spot.
    Our homes are where we live. They get messy! Your home isn't filthy...just "lived in!"
    Where do you feel more comfortable anyway? In an immaculate home where everything is "just so" like a magazine cover or in normal home that looks like your own? : )
    Let's be real people!

    Here is some "advance notice" Sarah. Are you home next Friday afternoon? Can i come over after the fbc homeschoolers time? (3ish) We're going to a few basketball games at The Oaks that night...i'd love to stop in for a couple hours and catch up!

  2. I agree with you Lisa, but from the perspective of the Visitor...I would always call first. Not because I was concerned about seeing their messy house, but just to make sure I wasn't intruding on something important.
    From the perspective of the Visited.. I love company!! You might catch me with piles of folded laundry all over my living room, but Hey...I'll move some of it so you can sit down.
    My non-christian neighbor has a knack of knocking right after the tornado hits. It is always humbling. I wonder about God's timing sometimes. Then he reminds me that it's my heart not my house that will draw my friend to Christ.

  3. I agree with you Lisa. God uses us in spite of our imperfections and "gasp" messy house. If we waited until everything was perfect, we'd miss the opportunities God puts in our lives. Plus, I always feel more comfortable in someone else's house who isn't spot perfect. But, I can get intimidated by someone who always seems to have the 'perfect' house or "has it all together".
    So please stop by anytime.

  4. I agree! Besides, I think anyone who has ever had a child completely understands some clutter. And, more important than a clean house is a willing heart to serve a guest, stop what you're doing, and make sure they're comfortable. I'm sure anyone would rather have a host paying attention to them than cleaning their kitchen because they feel embarrassed!

    I know the feeling of panic, though, when someone stops by, and I am convicted even as I write this of the pride I know is in my heart! I always love to have a clean house, but as a mom, God's priorities for me don't include constantly obsessing over keeping things perfect!

  5. Well said. God's priorities, not mine. All of these comments have really made me think and evaluate myself. I was really convicted over Lisa's comment about if it is good enough for my family, then it should be good enough for company. Well, the truth is that sometimes it isn't good enough for company, yet I let my family just deal with it. I have really tried to step it up a notch or two as a way to express love to my husband and family. And I realize there are times when I am sick, or God's priorities take me a different direction. Sometimes my family has to extend me grace. Thankfully my husband is very gracious.
