Tuesday, March 18, 2008


As some of you know, I have recently taken up the sport of Quilting. I was just now sitting here trying to figure it out when this thought occurred to me. "If Quilting had a federation like wrestling...namely the WWF (although I think it is WWE now) and I had to choose a suitable yet menacing name.... I would definatly be called THE SEAM RIPPER!!!" Maybe quilting isn't for me.


  1. Don't give up Sarah! It's like math, really. It frustrates you until you get it, and then there is a sweet reward at seeing all of your labor come together. Ever thought of taking a class at the Quilting Bee?

  2. I made two blankets this month, here is what I learned: When toddler A is pulling on leg, and toddler B is trying to put fabric under the needle, mistakes will be made.

    I accomplished WAY more during nap time, but boy do those handy seam rippers work nicely!


  3. That's perfect! I am not very crafty, but I'm sure if I took up quilting I would need a motivational name like that! (Especially since I'm sure I'd be ripping lots of seams!)

    Stevi Schuknecht

