Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I hate to write a political post...but I think this one is deserving of all of our attention. As you all know, there is a major push to pass the health care bill . Please take a few minutes to listen to Focus on the Family's broadcast on the Manhattan Declaration. It is very informative and calls for true Christians to make a stand.
Let me make my stand perfectly clear. I strive to be a law abiding citizen. I will pay taxes and join health care plans if it is required by law. BUT!!! I will not become an accessory to murder. I refuse to willingly pay for abortion services. I am convinced that would be breaking God's law. I am willing to stand by my convictions and ready to face the consequences for my actions. I will render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, but I will never render unto Caesar that which belongs to God.


This is the link to Focus on the Family's Broadcast.

This is a link to just one of the blacklash responses to the Manhattan Declaration. Christians are called the "American Taliban", and words like "ChristeoFacist" are used.

Thank you for taking the time to educate yourselves and I hope you choose to join with me in standing up for our Foundational Christian Values.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

Sammy J. 4 months

Picture by Andrew Keevy. Model: Samuel J.
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